BREATHEā„¢ GiftTrees Much more than a tree Plant a Tree Now

About us

Breatheā„¢ļø Restaurant has been defined by a commitment to sustainability and since its opening four years ago.
Well, for some time now the guests of our restaurant have had the option of giving a tree as a gift. In this way, only the guests of Marbella have been responsible for the planting of more than 40,000 trees.

Aguilene Benicio CEO & Founder of Breathe began this journey after meeting Marvin Baker (CEO of Carbon Free Dining) in 2018, who excited her with the idea of investing in the planet through very specific actions. Baker, was already responsible of planting more than 2.6 Million trees in the planet.

The Breathe GiftTrees initiative will take community involvement to the next level.

By creating the Breathe GiftTrees platform, people can select how many trees they would like to see planted in their name, from a single tree to 1,000 or more!

"Together we have now planted
more than 40,000 trees"

Aguilene Benicio

Make something beautiful grow

Breathe GiftTrees are specially selected and planted in combination to create a viable, self-sustaining ecosystem that restores the soil, air, provides a natural habitat for wildlife and also important harvests for local communities ā€“ based upon the principles of sustainable farming.

Why do we plant trees?

Breathe GiftTrees stands at the heart of a community of likeminded people who are committed to making a difference.

Together with our partners, other businesses, the clients of Breathe and you, we can and indeed have an impact at grassroots level ā€“ literally.
Reforestation helps heal the environment

The natural environment is being challenged on many fronts, but planting new forests is an essential way to rebuild the land and clean carbon dioxide out of the air.

Trees and plants absorb CO2 and other greenhouse gasses, and the right mix leads to the creation of a self-sustainable ecosystem that replenishes the soil, raises the water level and provides natural insecticides.
The human impact of our work

Breathe GiftTrees works with the Sustainably Run Foundation and in association with the United Nations Environmental Programmeā€™s ā€˜Plant For the Planetā€™ initiative to create newly reclaimed green zones in the Usambara Mountains of Northern Tanzania.

Not only do they help to restore health to the local environment and atmosphere, they also provide a natural habitat for wildlife and a viable, sustainable environment that produces harvests for local communities and provides the means with which they can lift themselves out of the poverty trap.

Help us make a difference!
Join a community that makes
things grow

  • Plant 1 Breathe GiftTree
    Plant 1 Breathe GiftTree
    Plant 1 Breathe GiftTree

    Add to the creation of a lifegiving forest

    Regular price
    Regular price
    Sale price
  • Plant 5 Breathe GiftTrees
    Plant 5 Breathe GiftTrees
    Plant 5 Breathe GiftTrees

    Create your own collection of trees that clean the soil and air

    Regular price
    Regular price
    Sale price
  • Plant 10 Breathe GiftTrees
    Plant 10 Breathe GiftTrees
    Plant 10 Breathe GiftTrees

    What would you do with ā‚¬15 ā€“ take action and help to improve our environment, bit by bit?

    Regular price
    Regular price
    Sale price
  • Plant 50 Breathe GiftTrees
    Plant 50 Breathe GiftTrees
    Plant 50 Breathe GiftTrees

    Help accelerate the process of renewal and the creation of a sustainable natural ecosystem

    Regular price
    Regular price
    Sale price
  • Plant 100 Breathe GiftTrees
    Plant 100 Breathe GiftTrees
    Plant 100 Breathe GiftTrees

    Be responsible for a new start that helps to bring life back to a devastated area

    Regular price
    Regular price
    Sale price
  • Plant 300 Breathe GiftTrees
    Plant 300 Breathe GiftTrees
    Plant 300 Breathe GiftTrees

    The ideal gesture for companies and individuals with a social and environmental commitment

    Regular price
    Regular price
    Sale price
  • Plant 500 Breathe GiftTrees
    Plant 500 Breathe GiftTrees
    Plant 500 Breathe GiftTrees

    Make a real difference in the lives of a whole community of people

    Regular price
    Regular price
    Sale price
  • Plant 1000 Breathe GiftTrees
    Plant 1000 Breathe GiftTrees
    Plant 1000 Breathe GiftTrees

    Imagine if you alone were responsible for a whole section of forest

    Regular price
    Regular price
    Sale price

The trees we plant and how they make a difference

Breathe GiftTrees are specially selected and planted in combination to create a viable, self-sustaining ecosystem that restores the soil, air, provides a natural habitat for wildlife and also important harvests for local communities ā€“ based upon the principles of sustainable farming.

The Moringa ā€˜miracleā€™ Tree

This marvel of nature is the main tool in our armory ā€“ it helps to extract carbon dioxide from the air, raises the water table, and restores the soilā€™s nutrients, laying the foundation for other species that create a live flora fence to keep cattle out, valuable crops for local communities to harvest, and natural insecticides that draw bugs away from the productive plants.

The Mango Tree

Rich in taste and with negligible fat content, the mango tree produces a fruit that has become hugely popular around the world. It is used in everything from fruit and chutneys to cooking, seasoning, and as a drink, and has a ready international market. Produced according to sustainable farming methods and provides local communities near the forests with a valuable business model and income.

The Papaya Tree

The sturdy papaya tree is well suited to the local conditions of the Usambara Mountains in Northern Tanzania, where it too forms an important sustainably grown cash crop for the local farming communities. The fruit can be eaten fresh or cooked, raw or ripened, and its leaves are also consumed in parts of the world, making this another valuable export product for the region.